‘Keep It Simple, Stupid!’
The above phrase was uttered by my College Rugby coach more times than I care to remember during my teenage years. Often it was confused as a mere insult to a player who attempted the most complicated up-and-under this side of Dan Carter. However, what the phrase was really trying to communicate was that the simplest of routes, plans and ideas are the most successful. And this acronym applies just as well to men’s style as it does to a drift defence or loop pass.
In the spectrum of men’s fashion, things can get a little messy. OK, very messy. We’ve got trends, patterns, rules, top 10s and essentials coming at us from all directions every day. We even have rules for trends or top ten patterns these days. Sometimes, with all of this noise going on, the simple pleasure of just wearing clothes gets lost in the mix.
In a recent documentary, designer-come-director Tom Ford explains a scene from A Single Man where the main character George pulls himself reluctantly out of bed to get dressed. This scene wasn’t actually in the original book the film was inspired by, but Ford felt it was important to include because it was something he could relate to. Whenever he’s in a deep depression, one of the few things he enjoys is putting on a suit.
“It might be false but I feel like if I shine my shoes, put on a tie, and make myself look as good as I can possibly look, I feel better. That somehow it’s armour; it’s a ritual that I go through.”
Tom Ford
And if we all took a moment to think about it, isn’t that really what’s at the heart of this menswear game? Aside from helping us get ahead in our careers and love life, clothes – or more specifically nice clothes – are enjoyable as end in themselves.
Similarly, in an interview with online US retailer Park & Bond, fashion director at Details magazine, Nick Sullivan talked on the same topic. When asked what we can expect next in men’s fashion, he replied with this:
“There’s a sudden pendulum swing away from jazzy shoes, look-at-me jackets, look-at-me trousers, look at all of this together. It’s toward something much cleaner. Shoes are a really good example. We’ve had wingtips, suede wingtips, multi-coloured wingtips, weird wingtips, bright pink wingtips, and now the only alternative to that would be a pair of black oxfords. So I think we’re going through a cleansing moment. It’s like everything is un-complicating itself.”
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